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Khussainova G.Zh., Asylbek N.A.




The article is described the color symbolism of color in different cultures tends to have the common identification of color names through cultural exchange. The images and their meanings occur in similar forms and carry similar power across cultures and centuries. Nevertheless nowadays investigations concerning color spectrum are still urgent and demanding for many scholars   

Ключевые слова:
color, symbolism, colloquialisms, phraseological, socio-cultural information   

Colour is the marker of the culture many cultural phenomena cannot be comprehended without taking into account of color-denotation. Color denotation possesses great cultural significance. As a component of culture, colour acquires a complex and divergent system of senses, interpretations, becomes an embodiment of cultural values. Color environment, color vision of the world is comprehended in accordance with colour cultural directions in every epoch. Our investigation is devoted to color linguistics not at random. The similar investigations of this type were made earlier in the sphere of humanitarian and natural sciences. The symbolism of color in different cultures tends to have the common identification of color names through cultural exchange. Jung defined symbols “terms, names, or even pictures that may be familiar in daily life, yet that possess specific connotations in addition to their convention and obvious meanings. They imply something vague, hidden, and unknown to us”. Fontana, building on the work of Jung, pointed out that certain kinds of symbolism constitute a universal language. The images and their meanings occur in similar forms and carry similar power across cultures and centuries. The symbolism that makes up this language in Jung’s theory is “the natural expression of inner psychological forces”. However, Jung’s ideas on symbolism go only part of the way in accounting for the rich and varied symbolic vocabularies of different cultures. The uses and meanings of color have never been totally consistent across cultural boundaries. Colors can carry different symbolic meanings: yellow, in northern Europe connotes “deceit” and “cowardice,” while in China is the imperial color; in Buddhist tradition, yellow stands for “humility” and “renunciation”; but in the Mayan civilization of Central America, it was associated with the West.3 The underlying reason for these differences is that the symbols used to portray archetypal energies are subject to the creative limitations of the human mind. 4 At the cultural level, this process of differentiation receives further stimuli from the natural environment. Usually, the cultural elite dominate the color names over time. In the Western cultures, the white has long been a symbol of purity and color concepts reflect both objective, inherent color characteristics and relationships, and the knowledge of color which is subjective and very often depends upon the peculiarities of a nation. The notion of color contains a complex of substantial information, accumulated by the language bearers. In their consciousness there exist a range of basic prototypical referents used while naming colors. Each language has its own prototypes as each nation bears peculiar stereotypes. Different attitudes towards a color are reflected in the figurative expression, idioms, and proverbs of the language. In recent years, the attention of methodologists has been focused on the search for new, most effective ways of teaching foreign languages. In the case when the teacher includes visual representation and sound-color associations in the learning process, it is possible to make progress in learning a foreign language much faster. In addition, psycholinguistics as one of the branches of linguistics has long been successfully integrated into the process of learning a native language. The concept of color exists in every culture, it is associated with important socio-cultural information accumulated by an ethnic group. Color is one of the categories of knowledge of the world, which is on a par with other categories, such as space, time, movement, and is also one of the key cultural concepts.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (14) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Khussainova G.Zh., Asylbek N.A. COMPARATIVE ANALYSES OF COLOUR SYMBOLISM // Вестник науки №5 (14) том 4. С. 218 - 221. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/1395 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/1395

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